Health & Fitness

Showing 1 to 18 of 76 articles
  • How to Train Like A Bodybuilder

    How to Train Like A Bodybuilder

    Far more strategic and nuanced than many people may believe, bodybuilding is a multifaceted sport that is more than just packing on huge amounts of muscle. Learn more about bodybuilding and how you can implement aspects of this in your training.
  • Introducing Halo Collective’s Newest Addition

    Introducing Halo Collective’s Newest Addition

    Halo Collective’s Single-Serve Sachets: Power Your Workouts Anytime, Anywhere.

  • 5 Must-Know Facts About Retinol

    5 Must-Know Facts About Retinol

    Discover the Holistic Benefits of Retinol & Vitamin A in NPL's Vita Women. Quickly becoming a sought-after ingredient on the labels of skincare products and supported by extensive research, retinol has earned its title as the "gold standard" in skincare

  • The Fitness Lifestyle: What does it mean to be 'fit'?

    The Fitness Lifestyle: What does it mean to be 'fit'?

    In today's health-conscious society, the term "fitness" gets thrown around a lot, but what does it really mean to be fit? In this blog we’re going to break down the different aspects of fitness that contribute to a healthy lifestyle, and how you can improve your overall fitness.
  • Understanding The Science of Weight Loss

    Understanding The Science of Weight Loss

    When you are looking to lose an extra few kilos, your first step would be to get support from premium quality supplements. Finding the right option for your goals may be tedious, but the real question is: Do they really work? This blog will dive into the science behind weight loss pills and examine their effectiveness

  • Finding The Right Fat Burner For You

    Finding The Right Fat Burner For You

    Choosing the right fat burner can be daunting. To help you navigate through this decision-making process, let's explore the key differences between four of our most popular fat burners: Thermo Cuts Black, Thermo Fuel, Night Time Burn, and Halo Burn.

  • Vision To Victory #ForTheGoal

    Vision To Victory #ForTheGoal

    Welcome to 2024, the year of self-mastery! It’s time to embrace the infinite possibilities that lie ahead and set our sights on reaching our unique goals.
  • Finding motivation: How to stick with your New Year's resolution

    Finding motivation: How to stick with your New Year's resolution

    As the New Year begins, many of us embark on a journey to improve our lives through resolutions. In this blog, we'll explore practical strategies to help you stay committed to your fitness goals and achieve your dream physique
  • Radiant At Every Age

    Radiant At Every Age

    Aging, a natural and inevitable part of life that presents its own set of changes. It is a positive experience, celebrating each year you are able to be alive. What if you could look as young as you feel? In this blog, we’ll explore the signs of aging while highlighting solutions to navigate this inevitable journey with grace
  • Top 10 for (Almost) Everything: Ten essential exercises for beginners

    Top 10 for (Almost) Everything: Ten essential exercises for beginners

    Embarking on a fitness journey can be both exciting and overwhelming, especially for beginners. To help kickstart your workout routine, we've made a list of ten essential exercises that cover almost every muscle group.
  • 5 Couple's Workout Ideas You'll Both Love

    5 Couple's Workout Ideas You'll Both Love

    Spice up your Valentine’s Day with these fun and effective couples workouts! Discover fitness routines to bond and stay healthy together.
  • 5 Reasons Why You Bloat and How To Combat It

    5 Reasons Why You Bloat and How To Combat It

    Bloating - a common sensation that can leave us feeling uncomfortably full and swollen in the abdomen. Take the first step towards finding relief and taking control of your digestive wellness by reading this blog as we uncover the top 5 most common causes of bloating.
  • Toning Made Simple

    Toning Made Simple

    So, you’ve lost the weight you wanted to and you’ve hit your personal fat-loss goal. Now, what? Discover how including supplements into your fitness journey can unlock your body’s potential to build lean muscle.
  • What really makes your muscles grow?

    What really makes your muscles grow?

    When it comes to achieving muscle growth, there is a treasure trove of information discussing everything from diet to exercise including different types of training, protein intake, set and rep counts and so much more.
  • Halo Pro: The Protein Shake of elite athletes

    Halo Pro: The Protein Shake of elite athletes

    When it comes to nutrition, getting the right balance of protein in your diet is essential for almost any fitness goal, whether you want to lose weight, gain weight or maintain, protein is your friend
  • Summer Shred: Achieving and maintaining a lean physique

    Summer Shred: Achieving and maintaining a lean physique

    Summer is just around the corner, and many of us are eager to shed those extra pounds and achieve a lean physique. However, achieving and maintaining a lean body is not as simple as it may seem.
  • Revealing the Hidden Truths of Garcinia Cambogia With 5 Mind-Blowing Facts

    Revealing the Hidden Truths of Garcinia Cambogia With 5 Mind-Blowing Facts

    Unlock the secrets of Garcinia Cambogia with 5 surprising facts! Discover the untold benefits in this eye-opening blog.
  • Conquer Your Mental Health This October

    Conquer Your Mental Health This October

    Elevate your mood and boost your mental health with fitness! Learn how in our latest blog.