Conquer Your Mental Health This October

Conquer Your Mental Health This October

Highlighting mental health awareness month, we are challenging you to make your mental well-being a priority. We understand that life can get overwhelming, with tasks both inside and outside your workspace and at home. 

It is said that stress can have a good effect on you. It is part of the reason you get out of bed every morning, finish your tasks and live an active lifestyle. The problem occurs when stress becomes more frequent and intense, making normal daily activities more difficult to complete. This blog will give you valuable techniques that will help you reduce the effects stress and anxiety may have on you. 


Write It Down

Keeping a journal is a useful tool that you can use to express your feelings and get them off your chest, this also helps you pause and reflect, encouraging you to think. Ask yourself questions like “What am I worrying about at the moment?” “How does this affect my life?” “How can I deal with it?


Talk To Someone 

Confiding in someone you trust can be beneficial as it gives you an opportunity to gain emotional support, validation and possible assistance with problem-solving from a different perspective. 


Move Your Body

Going for a walk, spending time in nature, meditating and sticking to your fitness routine will help you get those endorphins flowing. Engaging in an activity that you enjoy will also most likely result in you committing to it for the long-term.


Upgrade Your Playlist

Listening to uplifting music or podcasts can improve your mood. Create a new, vibrant and empowering playlist that gives you the ability to feel motivated and gain a more uplifting mindset.


Get Quality Rest 

Maintaining a consistent sleep schedule with a minimum of 7-9 hours of quality rest can begin the process of restoration and recovery for your system and provide energy and vitality, improving your mood.


Always remember that it is OK to ask for help whenever you need to, you are only human and it is natural for us to feel both ups and downs. Seek help from a professional who is trained to assist you with coping mechanisms for those tougher moments. No matter what it is, it is nothing you can’t overcome! 

Product Reference: 

NPL Night Time Burn: 


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