Pro Mass
Pro Mass is an all-in-one mass-gainer developed for the hard gainer and contains five real-food carbohydrate sources to maximise glycogen replenishment and mass gain. The carbohydrate sources in Pro Mass have been strategically selected to provide mixed-stage carbohydrate absorption for both fast and slower acting energy. Each serving provides over 1 300 heavy-duty calories to overcome catabolism and increase mass gain as well as 40 g of protein per serving for enhanced muscle repair and growth. Pro Mass contains DigeZyme®, a blend of digestive enzymes to enhance protein absorption and prevent digestive issues.
Features and benefits:
- High carbohydrate mass gainer.
- Ideal for hard gainers.
- Rapid strength and size.
- Multi-Stage release real-food carbohydrate sources – sustained energy delivery.
- Digestive Enzymes for enhanced digestion and nutrient absorption.