NPL athlete in a kneeling pose with one hand on her thigh, blog discusses fat loss myths and facts

Fat loss myths: We are busting them! 


How many times have you heard that eating late at night leads to weight gain? Or that eating carbs make you gain weight? Skipping breakfast leads to weight gain or that fruit makes you fat? 


Losing weight is a long, challenging journey, which requires a lot of effort and determination. No wonder we are faced with multiple fat loss myths as people want to make the process easier.    


We are here to bust the fat loss myths you keep facing! 💙 


Only working out will lead to weight loss. 


Your diet is the most important aspect to consider if you are trying to lose weight. Exercising regularly may help you to lose weight faster as it increases energy expenditure, assisting in being in a calorie deficit. It is natural to feel hungrier as you start working out more regularly, however, if your goal is to lose weight, it is important to ensure you consume less calories than you burn throughout the day and during your workout.  


Eating late at night will lead to weight gain 


Your body runs throughout the day and night, burning calories not only for exercise/training but also to maintain regular bodily functions such as breathing and moving. Your weight is influenced by your overall energy intake over a period of 24 hours, rather than the timing of your meals. The importance lies in how much you ate, or the number of calories consumed rather than the time you ate.  


Detox & juice cleanses for weight loss 


Many people resort to juice cleanses and detoxes as they believe it is a way to get rid of “toxins”, which they believe are to blame for gaining weight, feeling tired and sluggish. The truth is that your liver, kidneys, and other organs in your body are responsible for maintaining regular detoxification pathways and removing waste and toxins. Juice cleanses deprive your body of important macronutrients which may leave you feeling drained and reduce your immunity, making you more susceptible to picking up colds and flu. These cleanses may result in quick short-term weight loss, but you are likely to pick the weight up as soon as you start eating normally again.  


Low-fat diet for weight loss 


One gram of fat contains double the calories that proteins and carbohydrates do, therefore fats are more calorie-dense. There are however benefits to including fats in your diet. Good fats such as avocados, oily fish, nuts and seeds, olive, and avocado oils provide nutrients that help in balancing hormone levels, keeping you fuller for longer and increasing energy levels.  


Target fat with certain exercises 


It is impossible to follow spot reduction through targeted resistance or weight training as it helps with muscle gain and not fat burning. If you want to lose belly fat, ab exercises will help to define your abs, but you will have to reduce your body fat percentage to see your abs.  




When it comes to changing your body composition you must focus on gaining lean body mass while losing fat. Losing weight takes time, consistent working out and strict discipline.  


Remember the simple rule of weight loss if you are in a calorie deficit you will automatically lose weight! You can be in a calorie deficit by staying active and increasing your energy output as well as eating smaller sized portions.  


Beat the myths, stay focused. You got this! 


Explore our wide range of supplements to assist with your weight loss journey. Make sure to follow us on Instagram and Facebook for more tips and advice. 





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