How to Train Like A Bodybuilder

How to Train Like A Bodybuilder

Far more strategic and nuanced than many people may believe, bodybuilding is a multifaceted sport that is more than just packing on huge amounts of muscle. It's a well-thought-out blend of exercise, nutrition and discipline, all aimed at refining the body, pushing its limits, and chiselling out proportions and hard-earned definition.

Whether you're setting your sights on competing or wanting to get a more sculpted physique, mastering the fundamentals of bodybuilding could offer much-needed structure to your workout regimen. 

Choose Your Bodybuilding Training Split 

To start with, various workout splits organise your weekly training sessions. Bodypart splits divide your training days based on specific muscle groups. This method is great for seasoned gym-goers who want to concentrate on specific muscle groups, such as the chest, arms, back, legs or shoulders. Alternatively, upper/lower body splits offer a balanced, broader training split, particularly if one chooses to train on fewer days of the week.

The push/pull/legs split is also a fantastic approach, centred around pushing and pulling movements. They often prioritise compound exercises and allow each body part to be targeted more frequently, making them popular among bodybuilders aiming for strength and muscle gains.

Bulking & Shredding

During the off-season, the focus is on bulking up and maximising muscle growth. This involves hitting the gym hard, often increasing training volume and intensity, and incorporating advanced techniques like supersets and tempo training. Of course, all this muscle-building requires ample calories to fuel the process, including a surplus above maintenance to effectively add mass.

But when it's time for show prep, it's all about revealing that hard-earned muscle definition while shedding excess fat. That entails tightening up the diet by reducing calorie intake (commonly referred to as a calorie deficit) while maintaining muscle mass through smart training adjustments. You'll still keep the intensity high in the gym, but you might scale back on volume a bit and add in extra cardio to really lean out and showcase those muscles during your shredding phase.

Nutrition is King 

While the stereotype of a bodybuilder's diet may centre around the humble chicken and rice meal, this association helps us understand that successful bodybuilders prioritise the quality of their food, along with portion sizes, protein and calorie intake. Nutrition is where many start to stumble, often underestimating its significance in fueling both their bodies and workouts. 

Explore our Diet and Recipes section on our blog for some high-protein, calorie-controlled recipe inspiration.

The Role of Supplements 

Bodybuilders know their supplements inside out, and the industries are closely entwined. Whether cutting or bulking, seasoned bodybuilders usually have a stack of supplements ready to go, backed by extensive knowledge of how each one affects their body.

Protein: The bread and butter of supplements, protein supplements are often used by people who don’t even frequent the gym. For bodybuilders seeking specialised options, NPL protein powders offer tailored benefits. 

  1. Anabolic Whey: For lean muscle gains and fortified with creatine for performance.
  2. Halo Pro: Made with Whey Protein Hydrolysate for rapid amino acid delivery and lean muscle growth.

Check out a comprehensive range of NPL Protein supplements

Mass Gainers: For bodybuilders aiming to pack on size, mass gainers are a valuable tool, especially during the off-season or bulking periods. 

  1. Pro Gains: Each serving provides 50 grams of protein, ideal for maximising muscle gains. With approximately 570 calories per serving, it's perfect for individuals seeking a lean mass gainer.
  2. Hyper Gain Mass:  A high-calorie gainer with over 1,360 calories per serving, perfect for hard-gainers and individuals struggling to consume enough daily calories for growth.

Take a look at all NPL Mass Gainers

Creatine: Creatine, a well-researched supplement, is used by bodybuilders for its ability to enhance performance during intense workouts, aiding in power output, strength and muscle recovery. 

  1. Creatine Fuel: Increases power output and enhances muscle-cell volumisation with added GlycerSize.
  2. Creatine Monohydrate: The purest form of creatine available, without the addition of carbohydrates or sweeteners. Both creatine options work to replenish ATP stores in the working muscle. 

Head to our website and explore NPL Creatine

Rest & Rituals

Rest and recovery are the quiet essentials of bodybuilding; without it, progress is stunted. Fatigued muscles and a tired mind hinder growth and performance. Proper rest periods are crucial to allow your body to replenish and rebuild, ensuring you can push yourself without burning out. 

At the core, bodybuilding is about optimising your daily rituals in and around training. You'll be on the path to training like a seasoned bodybuilder by fine-tuning your workout splits and intensity, eating plan, and incorporating essential rest periods. Remember to stay consistent, celebrate the small victories and enjoy the grind while you’re at it!

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