Finding motivation: How to stick with your New Year's resolution

Finding motivation: How to stick with your New Year's resolution

Finding motivation: How to stick with your New Year's resolution

As the New Year begins, many of us embark on a journey to improve our lives through resolutions. Whether it's getting in shape, adopting a healthier lifestyle, or achieving a personal goal, finding the motivation to stick with these resolutions can be challenging. In this blog, we'll explore practical strategies to help you stay committed to your fitness goals and achieve your dream physique.

Keeping a Journal and Tracking Progress:

One effective way to stay motivated is by keeping a journal to document your progress. Record your goals, achievements, and challenges you encounter. Regularly tracking your progress shows not only what you want to achieve but also how far you’ve come. After the initial few months progress can seem to take an eternity, keeping track helps you see the small changes you would not normally notice while reminding you why you started in the first place.

Weekly Measurements:

While it's important not to fixate solely on the scale, incorporating weekly measurements can provide a more comprehensive view of your progress. When trying to build muscle it’s not uncommon for the scale to remain fixed, even though you may see progress in other areas. Tracking changes in body measurements, such as waist circumference or bicep size, can offer more insights than relying on the scale and help you make adjustments to your fitness plan as needed.

Having a Training Buddy:

Enlist the support of a training buddy to share the journey with you. Having a reliable gym partner can make workouts more enjoyable, hold you accountable, and provide the necessary encouragement during challenging times. Not only can you motivate each other, but having a gym partner makes progressive overload and pushing your limits far safer and easier to accomplish. So be sure to grab yourself a gym buddy to help you with your fitness goals.

Use Supplements:

Supplements are a valuable addition to your fitness journey, maintaining a high protein or caloric intake involves eating several meals a day. Protein shakes and Mass gainers can take this pressure off by replacing meals and providing the same protein quantities without sacrificing time to meal prep. Additionally incorporating supplements such as Creatine and Amino Acids will improve overall recovery and enhance muscle repair, consider incorporating supplements for both recovery and performance to ensure a comprehensive training program.

Getting a Fitness Plan with a Set Workout Regime and Eating Plan:

Developing a structured fitness plan, complete with a set workout regime and an eating plan, is fundamental to success. It is also crucial to note, there is a difference between a diet and an eating plan. An eating plan focuses on sustainable, long-term habits rather than restrictive short-term measures. An eating plan involves eating and preparing healthy foods and meals while still making room for the odd indulgence every now and then, many first time fitness enthusiasts fall off when trying to diet. This is due to the nature of a diet, restricting the foods you enjoy and solely focusing on what would be considered healthy.

Instead see it as 80/20, if 80% of the week you eat healthy, workout, hit your calories and smash your step goal, then have that slice of cake on the weekend and indulge in treats you enjoy 20% of the time. Craft a workout routine that aligns with your fitness goals, and pair it with a balanced eating plan that provides the necessary nutrients your body needs. This holistic approach sets a solid foundation for achieving and maintaining your New Year's resolution and fitness goals.

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